f0.gz f1.gz f2.gz f3.gz f4.gz f5.gz f6.gz并解压为:f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6
~/simhSample/v7$ cat mkdisttap.pl #!/usr/bin/perl -wuse strict;# Based on mkdisttap.pl# ftp://ftp.mrynet.com/pub/os/PUPS/PDP-11/Boot_Images/2.11_on_Simh/211bsd/mkdisttap.pl## $Id: mkdisttap.pl,v 1.1 2006/09/16 23:33:46 kirk Exp kirk $## Based on the example in the HOWTO using dd. Does not work!# add_file("cat mtboot mtboot boot |", 512);# Based on the maketape.c program and the maketape.data data file.add_file("f0", 512);end_file();add_file("f1", 512);end_file();add_file("f2", 512);end_file();add_file("f3", 512);end_file();add_file("f4", 512);end_file();add_file("f5", 10240);end_file();add_file("f6", 10240);end_file();end_file();sub end_file { print "\x00\x00\x00\x00";}sub add_file { my($filename, $blocksize) = @_; my($block, $bytes_read, $length); open(FILE, $filename) || die("Can't open $filename: $!"); while($bytes_read = read(FILE, $block, $blocksize)) { if($bytes_read < $blocksize) { $block .= "\x00" x ($blocksize - $bytes_read); $bytes_read = $blocksize; } $length = pack("V", $bytes_read); print $length, $block, $length; } close(FILE);}
/* * mktape.c */#include#include struct { char *name; int blocksize;} files[] = { { "f0", 512 }, { "f1", 512 }, { "f2", 512 }, { "f3", 512 }, { "f4", 512 }, { "f5", 10240 }, { "f6", 10240 }};void error(char *msg) { printf("**** Error: %s ****\n", msg); exit(0);}void writeCount(long count, FILE *file) { if (fwrite(&count, 4, 1, file) != 1) { error("cannot write byte count"); }}int main(void) { FILE *outfile; FILE *infile; long size; int blocksize; int blocks; int i, j; unsigned char buffer[20000]; outfile = fopen("unix_v7.tm", "wb"); if (outfile == NULL) { error("cannot open output file"); } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(files)/sizeof(files[0]); i++) { printf("%s: ", files[i].name); infile = fopen(files[i].name, "rb"); if (infile == NULL) { error("cannot open input file"); } fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(infile); fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_SET); blocksize = files[i].blocksize; blocks = size / blocksize; printf("%ld bytes = %d records (blocksize %d bytes)\n", size, blocks, blocksize); if (size % blocksize != 0) { error("file size is not a multiple of block size"); } for (j = 0; j < blocks; j++) { if (fread(buffer, blocksize, 1, infile) != 1) { error("cannot read input file"); } writeCount(blocksize, outfile); if (fwrite(buffer, blocksize, 1, outfile) != 1) { error("cannot write output file"); } writeCount(blocksize, outfile); } fclose(infile); writeCount(0, outfile); } writeCount(0xFFFFFFFF, outfile); fclose(outfile); return 0;}
2、 ./mkdisttap.pl > v7.tap
3、 gcc -Wall -g -o mktape mktape.c
最后两种方法必须把前面准备的f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6放到目录下。
~/simhSample/v7/test$ lsboot.ini tapei.ini tboot.ini v7.tap~/simhSample/v7/test$ cat tapei.ini set cpu 11/45set cpu idleset rp0 rp06att rp0 rp06-0.diskatt tm0 v7.tapboot tm0~/simhSample/v7/test$ cat tapei.iniset cpu 11/45set cpu idleset rp0 rp06att rp0 rp06-0.diskatt tm0 v7.tapboot tm0~/simhSample/v7/test$ cat tapei.iniset cpu 11/45set cpu idleset rp0 rp06att rp0 rp06-0.diskatt tm0 v7.tapboot tm0~/simhSample/v7/test$ pdp11 tapei.iniPDP-11 simulator V3.9-0Disabling XQRP: creating new fileOverwrite last track? [N] Boot: tm(0,3)file sys size: 5000file system: hp(0,0)isize = 1600m/n = 3 500Exit calledBoot: tm(0,4)Tape? tm(0,5)Disk? hp(0,0)Last chance before scribbling on disk. End of tapeBoot: hp(0,0)hptmunixmem = 177344# MV HPTMUNIX UNIX# RM HP*IX# LS *IXRPHTUNIXRPTMUNIXUNIX# RM RP*IX# CD /DEV# MAKE RP06/ETC/MKNOD RP0 B 6 0/ETC/MKNOD SWAP B 6 1/ETC/MKNOD RP3 B 6 7/ETC/MKNOD RRP0 C 14 0/ETC/MKNOD RRP3 C 14 7CHMOD GO-W RP0 SWAP RP3 RRP0 RRP3# MAKE TM/ETC/MKNOD MT0 B 3 0/ETC/MKNOD RMT0 C 12 0/ETC/MKNOD NRMT0 C 12 128CHMOD GO+W MT0 RMT0 NRMT0# CD /# /ETC/MKFS /DEV/RP3 322276ISIZE = 65496M/N = 3 500# DD IF=/DEV/NRMT0 OF=/DEV/NULL BS=20B FILES=6202+80 RECORDS IN202+75 RECORDS OUT# RESTOR RF /DEV/RMT0 /DEV/RP3LAST CHANCE BEFORE SCRIBBLING ON /DEV/RP3. END OF TAPE# /ETC/MOUNT /DEV/RP3 /USR# DD IF=/USR/MDEC/HPUBOOT OF=/DEV/RP0 COUNT=10+1 RECORDS IN0+1 RECORDS OUT# SYNC# SYNC# SYNC# SYNC# ^ESimulation stopped, PC: 002306 (MOV (SP)+,177776)sim> qGoodbye~/simhSample/v7/test$ cat rp06-0.disk tapei.ini tboot.ini v7.tap ~/simhSample/v7/test$ cat tboot.ini echoecho at the prompt type inecho @ hp(0,0)unixechoset cpu 11/70set cpu 2Mset cpu idleset rp0 rp06att rp0 rp06-0.diskatt tm0 v7.tapboot tm0~/simhSample/v7/test$ pdp11 tboot.ini PDP-11 simulator V3.9-0at the prompt type in@ hp(0,0)unixDisabling XQBoot: hp(0,0)unixmem = 2020544#^D# RESTRICTED RIGHTS: USE, DUPLICATION, OR DISCLOSUREIS SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS STATED IN YOUR CONTRACT WITHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC.WED DEC 31 19:04:20 EST 1969login: rootPassword:rootYou have mail.# df/dev/rp0 1297/dev/rp3 297414# ^ESimulation stopped, PC: 002306 (MOV (SP)+,177776)sim> qGoodbye
~/simhSample/v7/test$ cat boot.ini echoecho at the prompt type inecho @ hp(0,0)unixechoset cpu 11/70set cpu 2Mset cpu idleset rp0 rp06attach rp0 rp06-0.diskd cpu 2000 042102d cpu 2002 012706d cpu 2004 002000d cpu 2006 012700d cpu 2010 000000d cpu 2012 012701d cpu 2014 176700d cpu 2016 012761d cpu 2020 000040d cpu 2022 000010d cpu 2024 010061d cpu 2026 000010d cpu 2030 012711d cpu 2032 000021d cpu 2034 012761d cpu 2036 010000d cpu 2040 000032d cpu 2042 012761d cpu 2044 177000d cpu 2046 000002d cpu 2050 005061d cpu 2052 000004d cpu 2054 005061d cpu 2056 000006d cpu 2060 005061d cpu 2062 000034d cpu 2064 012711d cpu 2066 000071d cpu 2070 105711d cpu 2072 100376d cpu 2074 005002d cpu 2076 005003d cpu 2100 012704d cpu 2102 002020d cpu 2104 005005d cpu 2106 105011d cpu 2110 005007run 2002~/simhSample/v7/test$ pdp11 boot.ini PDP-11 simulator V3.9-0at the prompt type in@ hp(0,0)unixDisabling XQbootBoot: hp(0,0)unixmem = 2020544# ^D# Simulation stopped, PC: 002306 (MOV (SP)+,177776)sim> qGoodbye~/simhSample/v7/test$ pdp11 boot.ini PDP-11 simulator V3.9-0at the prompt type in@ hp(0,0)unixDisabling XQbootBoot: hp(0,0)unixmem = 2020544# ^D# RESTRICTED RIGHTS: USE, DUPLICATION, OR DISCLOSUREIS SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS STATED IN YOUR CONTRACT WITHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC.WED DEC 31 19:04:52 EST 1969login: rootPassword:rootYou have mail.# # cat /etc/passwdroot:VwL97VCAx1Qhs:0:1::/:daemon:x:1:1::/:sys::2:2::/usr/sys:bin::3:3::/bin:uucp::4:4::/usr/lib/uucp:/usr/lib/uucicodmr::7:3::/usr/dmr:# ^Dlogin: dmr$ cat >> hello.cmain(){ printf("Hello World!\n");}^D$ cc hello.c$ ./a.outHello World!$
$ ed euclid.f?euclid.fa PROGRAM EUCLID PRINT *, 'A?' READ *, NA IF (NA.LE.0) THEN PRINT *, 'A must be a positive integer.' STOP END IF PRINT *, 'B?' READ *, NB IF (NB.LE.0) THEN PRINT *, 'B must be a positive integer.' STOP END IF PRINT *, 'The GCD of', NA, ' and', NB, ' is', NGCD(NA, NB), '.' STOP END FUNCTION NGCD(NA, NB) IA = NA IB = NB 1 IF (IB.NE.0) THEN ITEMP = IA IA = IB IB = MOD(ITEMP, IB) GOTO 1 END IF NGCD = IA RETURN END.w643q$ cat euclid.f PROGRAM EUCLID PRINT *, 'A?' READ *, NA IF (NA.LE.0) THEN PRINT *, 'A must be a positive integer.' STOP END IF PRINT *, 'B?' READ *, NB IF (NB.LE.0) THEN PRINT *, 'B must be a positive integer.' STOP END IF PRINT *, 'The GCD of', NA, ' and', NB, ' is', NGCD(NA, NB), '.' STOP END FUNCTION NGCD(NA, NB) IA = NA IB = NB 1 IF (IB.NE.0) THEN ITEMP = IA IA = IB IB = MOD(ITEMP, IB) GOTO 1 END IF NGCD = IA RETURN END$ f77 euclid.feuclid.f: MAIN euclid:Warning on line 7 of euclid.f: statement cannot be reachedWarning on line 13 of euclid.f: statement cannot be reached ngcd:Warning on line 26 of euclid.f: statement cannot be reached$ a.out A?20 B?28 The GCD of 20 and 28 is 4 .$ rm a.out euclid.o
unix v7源代码